Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Newport Beach

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Welcome to 405 Recovery, your trusted ally on the journey toward mental well-being. Our Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) program in Newport Beach is designed to offer a supportive and nurturing environment, where positive transformation can take root and flourish.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is an evidence-based treatment approach proven to treat a variety of mental health issues effectively. It works on the principle that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are intricately linked. By understanding this relationship, CBT therapy empowers you to change negative thoughts and behaviors, thereby fostering healthier habits and beliefs.

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Why Choose 405 Recovery's Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

405 Recovery is committed to providing world-class mental health care and addiction services. Our team of highly trained and experienced therapists leverage the power of CBT therapy to assist you in challenging and transforming harmful thought patterns. This process can significantly influence your emotions and actions, leading to improved mental wellness.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Addiction Recovery at 405 Recovery

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an essential and effective tool in addiction recovery. At 405 Recovery in Newport Beach, we have successfully employed CBT to help individuals struggling with various forms of addiction. Here’s a detailed look at how CBT assists in addiction recovery.

Understanding the Link Between Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors in Addiction

  • Identifying Triggers: CBT helps uncover the triggers such as anxiety-inducing events and negative thoughts that may lead to addictive behavior or a substance use disorder. By recognizing these triggers, individuals can learn to respond differently and make healthier choices.
  • Analyzing Thought Patterns: A core component of addiction recovery is understanding the negative thought patterns and feelings that fuel addictive behaviors. CBT aids in breaking down these patterns, providing insights into how they can be changed.


  • Skill Building: CBT equips individuals with practical skills to manage cravings and avoid relapse. These coping strategies are tailored to the individual's specific addiction and needs.
  • Stress Management: Learning how to manage stress effectively is crucial in addiction treatment and recovery. CBT provides tools and techniques to deal with stress without resorting to substance abuse.

Replacing unhealthy habits with positive alternatives

  • Behavioral Reconditioning:  CBT emphasizes the replacement of unhealthy habits with positive alternatives. This approach ensures that individuals don't merely stop their addictive behavior but replace it with something constructive.
  • Enhancing Self Control:By boosting self-awareness and control over addictive impulses, CBT empowers individuals to take charge of their recovery journey.

Relapse Prevention

  • Building Resilience: CBT is instrumental in building resilience against relapse by reinforcing positive habits and strengthening coping strategies.
  • Ongoing Support: Continuous support through CBT ensures that individuals have the tools they need to maintain progress, even after formal treatment has ended.

family and group therapy options

  • Peer Support: Group therapy within the CBT framework offers a supportive environment where individuals can share experiences and learn from others who are also working towards recovery.
  • Family Involvement: If appropriate, family members may be included in family therapy to address relationship issues and support the individual's recovery, providing an understanding of mental health disorders and mental illness, and ways to encourage their loved ones during recovery.

individual needs

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Each individual’s path to recovery is a unique experience depending on the substance they use, existing mental health disorders, etc. CBT at 405 Recovery is customized to meet those distinct needs and goals.

What to Expect from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

At 405 Recovery, our Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) program is more than a series of therapy sessions — it’s a comprehensive journey toward mental wellness. Here’s what you can expect when you choose our CBT program in Newport Beach.

Initial Consultation and Assessment

Your CBT journey begins with an initial consultation where you’ll meet with one of our experienced therapists. This meeting is designed to gain an understanding of your unique situation, challenges, and goals. Our therapist will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your mental health, allowing us to develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Personalized Treatment Planning

Our therapists use the insights gathered during the initial assessment to develop a personalized treatment plan that suits your unique needs and goals. This plan outlines the frequency and duration of your therapy sessions, therapeutic strategies to be used, and desired outcomes.

CBT Sessions

During CBT sessions, you’ll work closely with your therapist to identify and understand your negative thoughts and behavior patterns. Through various therapeutic techniques, you’ll learn how to challenge these harmful patterns and replace them with healthier thoughts and behaviors.

Our sessions can take various forms including individual therapy, group therapy, or family counseling, depending on your needs. Whether you’re sitting one-on-one with a therapist or sharing experiences in a group setting, each session is a step toward your mental wellness.

Practical Skills Training

CBT is a practical and hands-on therapy. At 405 Recovery, we don’t just help you understand your thought and behavior patterns; we equip you with the practical skills to change them. You’ll learn various coping strategies and techniques that you can apply in everyday life to manage your thoughts and emotions effectively.

Continuous Support and Progress Evaluation

Our support for you goes beyond the therapy sessions. We understand that change is a process and we’re committed to walking with you throughout this journey. Our therapists will continuously evaluate your progress and adjust your treatment plan as necessary to ensure that you’re on the right track toward achieving your goals during addiction recovery.

Choosing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at 405 Recovery in Newport Beach means choosing a path toward a better understanding of yourself, learning effective coping strategies, and fostering mental well-being. Reach out to us today to begin your journey.

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Begin Your Journey Towards Healing Today

Our support for you goes beyond the therapy sessions. We understand that change is a process and we’re committed to walking with you throughout this journey. Our therapists will continuously evaluate your progress and adjust your treatment plan as necessary to ensure that you’re on the right track toward achieving your mental wellness goals.

Choosing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at 405 Recovery in Newport Beach means choosing a path toward a better understanding of yourself, learning effective coping strategies, and fostering mental well-being. Reach out to us today to begin your journey.



Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy faqs

CBT has been successfully employed for various forms of addiction, including drug and alcohol dependency, gambling addiction, and more. Its efficacy might vary depending on the individual’s unique circumstances, but it’s a widely recognized and recommended approach for addiction recovery.

Treatment plans at 405 Recovery are personalized based on an individual’s specific needs and challenges. An initial comprehensive assessment helps therapists understand the individual’s unique situation and create a tailored treatment plan.

The duration of CBT treatment can vary depending on the individual’s needs and progress. Some people might benefit from short-term interventions, while others might need longer-term support. Regular progress evaluations will help in determining the length and intensity of treatment.

Yes, if deemed appropriate for the individual’s recovery process, family members may be integrated into therapy sessions. This can help family members understand and support the individual’s journey towards recovery better.